As an Esoteric Astrologer, I consider my work to be very spiritual in nature. I provide 90 minutes for an in-depth analysis of the natal chart, i.e., the inherent energetic blueprint the heavens impressed upon you at birth, and 120 minutes if we also include progressions, SA directions and transits, i.e., the current energies and cycles influencing you now. Follow-up consultations are approximately 90 minutes in length.
As to what one can expect in a consultation, is entirely based much upon their underlying motive and intention. Some individuals have experienced an inner-prompting of the soul, are seeking further direction and guidance to unfold their higher potentials, and learn from previous mistakes, while others (thankfully) in the minority are endeavoring to manipulate current circumstances (via astrology) to achieve personality objectives. While practical matters in everyday life are certainly addressed, (and it is advantageous to be aware of the energies and cycles one is being subjected to), it is the soul which needs to be the guiding principle, making the personality a more refined instrument (or vehicle) in which it can manifest through.
Often, it is the times of deepest crisis in our life which offers the soul an opportunity to make its presence known and felt. Esoteric astrology is especially helpful in assisting one to discover their soul purpose and to become consciously aware of the myriad of factors (karmic or otherwise) which are either supporting or hindering that process.
In the esoteric system, a clear distinction is made between the energies of your personality and the energies of your soul, and the challenges one faces in their integration. In an esoteric astrology consultation, you learn how to recognize aspects of your higher self, and how to discern the difference between your personality vs. your soul's objectives. Those individuals that benefit the most from an esoteric astrology consultation are not the "faint of heart." It takes courage to see yourself clearly, take full responsibility for your life, and face aspects of yourself you have chosen to ignore. It is ideal for those who have experienced the first "spiritual awakening," who are in process of instituting a new discipline and order in their life, and generally speaking, they are responding to a higher set of values. It is not for those individuals who are seeking answers more related to personality fulfillment and answers regarding mundane events. As stated above, practical issues are addressed, but it is secondary to soul integration.
Beyond that, esoteric astrology can foster a new understanding of the relationship of the Spirit to the personality, recognizing the soul as the intermediary between the two. Ultimately in this work, I aspire to assist others in unveiling that which hides the beauty and strength of their soul and provide them with the tools and resources which may help facilitate that.
All consultations are conducted via Skype, Zoom, in-person when possible, or by phone. Please send a message in the contact form for any other request. I am happy to schedule a phone conversation with you to answer any additional questions you may have. I will confirm the appointment one day prior to the consultation and forward PDF copies of the chart(s) under consideration. Each session is recorded, and an MP3 file is emailed within 24 hours.
Consultation fees are as follows:
Natal chart (90 min.): $150
Progressions, SA directions & transits (90 min.): $150
Both consultations combined (120 min.): $200
Synastry & composite chart analysis (90 min.): $175